FSC Online

Welcome to FSC Online

What is FSC Online?

FSC Online allows non-accredited companies to apply online for accreditation and accredited companies to apply for reaccreditation under the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme.

Accredited companies also use FSC Online to submit Contract Declarations for Scheme projects, OFSC Incident Reports and Scheme Biannual Reports. Accredited companies can also view a range of metrics relating to their accreditation and WHS performance.

How to access FSC Online

As part of an ongoing focus to keep personal information secure, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations uses the Australian Government Digital ID System to verify users. You will need to use your Digital ID, such as myGovID, and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to access the FSC Online Portal.

  • myID is the Australian Government's Digital ID app. myGovID provides a secure and convenient way to prove who you are when logging in to a range of government online services.
  • RAM is an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of a business or entity online when linked with your myGovID. You’ll use your myGovID to log in to RAM.

Your myID will need to be authorised under the ABN of the company which employs you (i.e. the company seeking accreditation). ). Your employer’s RAM administrator (or Prinicpal authority) will also need to authorise you for DEWR online services within RAM.

The first step is to register for FSC Online with your RAM authorised myID by logging in.

  • If you are an existing user of FSC Online, who is accessing the new FSC Online for the first time, continue with the Redeem Invitation button below.
  • Existing users will have received a unique code to link your new account to your old FSC Online profile. If this code has expired, please contact STARHelpdesk@dewr.gov.au to request a new code be issued.
  • New users and new companies will need to be approved internally by the OFSC before access will be permitted. This process is initiated by logging in with your myID for the first time.

Do I need to be accredited?

Builders must be accredited under the Scheme if they wish to enter into head contracts for building work that is funded directly or indirectly by the Australian Government. This requirement is subject to certain financial thresholds and does not apply to some types of building work.

Provisions are available that allow unaccredited builders to enter into alliance and joint venture arrangements with accredited builders. This provision is subject to certain requirements and the FSC must approve any such arrangements. The fact sheet Alliance and Joint Venture Arrangements.

The scheme enables the Government to use its influence as a client and provider of capital to improve the industry’s WHS performance. The Australian Government aims to promote the idea that work must be performed safely as well as on budget and on time. Builders may seek to become accredited even if they are not tendering for Australian Government funded work. Many builders become accredited to achieve best practice approaches to safety, or to be ready should they wish to tender for work covered by the scheme in future.

How will I know if I need to be accredited for a project?

Notification that a project requires an accredited builder should appear in the tender or contract documentation. If this is not clear, please contact the client to check if accreditation is required.

Already Accredited?

FSC Online is used by accredited companies to submit Contract Declarations for Scheme projects, OFSC Incident Reports and Scheme Biannual Reports. Accredited companies can also view a range of metrics relating to their accreditation and WHS performance as well reports for OFSC audits which took place after August 2016.

User login

If you have set up your Digital ID and are connected in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM), continue with the sign in button.

What is

Digital ID



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